Karen Hitchcock is the author of Quarterly Essay 57, Dear Life: On caring for the elderly, the award-winning story collection Little White Slips and a regular contributor to The Monthly. She is also a staff physician in acute and general medicine at the Alfred Hospital, Melbourne.


It may surprise you to hear that when your mother or your grandfather presents to a hospital, his or her arrival may set off a turf war. Doctors won’t fight to take care of him; they’ll fight not to.
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In Dear Life, Hitchcock has laid out her most important work to date in the type of clear, rational, respectful prose that the topic demands. As much as our natural instinct may be to avert our gaze from death, to push it from our minds at every opportunity, this essay is inspirational and aspirational in its scope. It is highly recommended to all those who hold life dear, and especially to those whose professional lives are devoted to helping us through illness and death with dignity.

Hitchcock’s essay is not comfortable reading, but it is compelling

One of the most compelling and powerful ever published in the Quarterly Essay series

A sensitive, rigorous, and moving account that exposes the prevailing ageism in our medical services and in Australian society as a whole.

Australian Book Review

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